
About Me

My name is Natalie and I am 24 years old. I live in and love Cardiff. 

I like baking and reading.
I like listening to the rain outside while watching a film with a mug of hot chocolate.
I like spin and aerobics class.
I like sleeping and showering.
I like applying make-up and doing hair.

I don't have a favourite season - they are all beautiful.


I live at home with my mum, Helena and dad, Adrian and always with the company of Teddy, the dog. 

Teddy is a minature Schnauzer cross with a Terrier, he is 2 years old and full of energy. We live right by Roath Park Lake which is ideal when taking Teddy for his daily walk. We also sometimes take him to Heath Park where he runs endlessly for a tennis ball. He loves treats and being with people. He has also been known to love new shoes - hmm.


My mum is a primary school teacher and my dad is an engineer for BT. They have always lived in Cardiff, or the near surrounding areas (Wick and Penarth) and met in 1985. They have been happily married for 26 years.

Mum and Dad at a party this summer

My mum likes to crochet and going on holiday. My dad likes photography and cars.


I am currently studying Genetic Counselling MSc in Cardiff University where I am based at the UHW. 

My undergrad was in Psychology and I graduated in 2009. I took a couple of years out to gain some work and life experience before being accepted onto the masters.

I will graduate in 2013 and be qualified to work as a Genetic Counsellor:

The aims of a genetic counsellor are to help the individual or family:

  • Understand the information about the genetic condition
  • Appreciate the inheritance pattern and risk recurrence
  • Understand the options available
  • Make decisions appropriate to their personal family situation
  • Make the best possible adjustment to the disorder or risk

Antoniya, Sian, Sinead, Frances, Me and Fi.
Some of the girls on my course.

I am about to start my second and final year, which most of it is taken up by placement. On the 4th September I will be starting my placement at the fantastic Great Ormond Street.
I can not wait, not only for the amazing experience my placement will bring, but the experience of living in London for a while.


I currently work in The Ty Mawr which is a Brains pub in Lisvane, and serves premium food and drink.

I have been working here since it re-opened under new management in April 2011. I love working here and could not ask for a better team to work with or manager to work for.

Above: Main restaurant
Top: Front of the pub

Find a job you love and you never have to go to work again!

I have a wonderful boyfriend who I have been with for 3 months. His name is Ollie and we met at work where he is a chef. He likes superbikes and power-lifting.

Enjoying the sunshine in Heath Park

We like going on day trips, eating (in or out) and going to the cinema. We have recently been on holiday to Newquay, Cornwall, where we walked along the beach and visited near by villages.

I have one sister, Vicki, who is 23 years old, and lives in Rhiwbina with her fiance, Johnny, and their 3 sausage dogs, Lady, Jerry and Harry (top to bottom).

Johnny and Vicki on a night out

Vicki likes to re-vamp old run down furniture and has created some wonderful pieces, including a glass display cabinet and an old school desk.
Johnny likes to play tennis and go to tattoo conventions of which he has a few himself.

Sleepy Sausages


"Man did not weave the web of life, he is merely a strand in it. Whatever he does to the web, he does to himself" - Chief Seattle

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